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autor: Duszek, K.E.
tytuł: Theological Insight into the Phenomenon of Life: the Bios as a Vestigium Dei
Teologia w Polsce 13,1 (2019) 59-72          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: naukareligiastworzenieewolucjavestigium Deiteologia przyrody

Contemporary discussion on the phenomenon of life is a meeting point for natural sciences and religion. In their dialogue, two extreme opinions prevail, which make us understand life either as a coincidental product of evolution or as an intelligent design created by an external intervention. Both views are reductionist and represent a misunderstanding of the multi-planar character of human cognition. Mature theological insight should not follow this path. Therefore, the article is an attempt to look at the phenomenon of life in a different way. It takes up the theological interpretation of biological life, according to the medieval-originating category of vestigium Dei. However, this notion must be reconstructed in such a way that it takes into account the semantic matrix that developed around it in the twentieth century. The newly developed category of vestigium is a hermeneutical key that allows us to better understand what it means that life, already in its basic manifestations, has a transcendental reference to God, as His trace.

autor: Królikowski, J.
tytuł: Teologia jako dziedzina nauki i zadanie dydaktyczne
Teologia w Polsce 12,1 (2018)           pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: teologianaukatajemnicaSłowo BożedydaktykaKościół

Theology has been a rightful branch of science for a long time. Obviously, it has its own specific character stemming both from its subject and scientific method, as well as from its specified ecclesiastical mission to which it remains subordinate. Theology is an entirely ecclesiastical science. Among other challenges pointed out by the theologians, theology has to show that it is a rightful academic discipline amid other sciences. It is acknowledged by its subject which is the mystery of God, as well as by its didactic function which consists in the transferring of the content which results from this mystery. Placing a stronger emphasis on its specific research character and on the modernization of theological didactics might support the scientific significance of theology. These very issues constitute the main subject of this article.

autor: Królikowski, J.
tytuł: Teologia jako nauka i jako mądrość
Teologia w Polsce 15,2 (2021) 7-32          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: teologianaukamądrośćmagisteriummetodologia

Theological tradition sends a clear message about the scientific status of theology and at the same time it emphasises its sapiential dimension. The need for the development of this dimension is recurrently taken up in the discussions over the method of theology, but of course, with the simultaneous maintenance of its scientific status appropriately adapted to spiritual needs of our times. This article proposes the way in which today such a perspective on theology could be pursued in a methodically justified way. It is highlighted that the reference to wisdom is relevant to what is today described as the involvement of science into social and cultural life, and coincidentally the practical aspect of theology which in the first place remains a speculative science is also demonstrated. In the same sense theology remains a church science which above all stays in the service of the Church and participates in its own way in the mission of the Church.

autor: Kubicki, D.
tytuł: Teologia katolicka a młodsza Europa globalizacyjnej współczesności (cz. 1)
Teologia w Polsce 4,2 (2010) 233-245          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: Katolicka Nauka SpołecznaglobalizacjaEuropa

In view of the contemporary integration of the EU member states and in the context of the fast globalizing world of today, the author raises the issue of civilizational backwardness, which by the political and intellectual representatives of the Western world (and hence its societies) is widely identified with the notions of post-totalitarian and postcommunist Central and Eastern European societies, and thus with the Polish society and those practising theology in the Catholic Church in Poland at the beginning of the 21st century. In the first part of his reflection, the author postulates defining the civilizational 'youngerness' with respect to the evident relativity of the idea of civilizational backwardness in the historical perspective, especially taking into consideration the ever-changing political, cultural and civilizational domination in Europe. Later on he outlines the hope which he cherishes towards those practising theology and reflecting upon the evangelical message, who bring it into effect through their faith and spread it on in their communities in local churches of the Catholic Church in Poland. Those faith communities, with their morally creative members, stem from the tradition of Polish social, philosophical and theological thought, shaped in the course of the vicissitudes that the Polish society and the country itself underwent due to Poland's specific location on the border between the European East and West.

autor: Nonyelu, F.
tytuł: Christian theology and the new atheism: the hierarchy of explanations
Teologia w Polsce 10,1 (2016) 151-163          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: ateizmreligianaukateologiadialog

The hierarchy of explanations is necessary. Both science and theology are rooted, each in its own way, in the human desire to understand and know, but they seek understanding and truth from within formally distinct horizons of inquiry. These horizons do not overlap, compete, or conflict with each other, and what constitutes data, evidence, and confirmation in one is not the same as in the other.

autor: Pater, D.
tytuł: Postrzeganie pracy z perspektywy neoliberalizmu i katolicyzmu
Teologia w Polsce 3,1 (2009) 143-152          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: Katolicka Nauka Społecznapracaneoliberalizm

The liberal and Christian doctrine focuses on the material dimension of work. It points to the economic and moral dependencies, emphasizing the meaning of personal liberty and equality against the law. In societies based on the free play of market forces, the human work is looked on from the perspective of the logic of liberal morality, which says that anyone who does not have a substantial income is useless. Such a position violates the dignity of a person. Hence, the Gospel teaching is of great importance in restoring to a human being and one's work the proper treatment, chiefly by the rules of solidarity, helpfulness and common good.
The Church's Magisterium puts a great emphasis on it by pointing to the duties of state against its citizens in economic fields as well as international structures.
According to the Church's social teachings liberty and dignity of a human being guarantee the possession of goods, constitute one's right and social function. Also, work that possess its unitary and social dimension embraces at the same time both sides of human nature: corporeal - vital and spiritual - intellectual. From the Catholic point of view, a man in social structures is called to realize both worldly and eternal matters, work and is given the chance to fulfill oneself for the common good of human family.

autor: Sienkiewicz, E.
tytuł: Sacrum a "wspólnota ducha" jednoczącej się Europy
Teologia w Polsce 4,2 (2010) 247-261          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: Katolicka Nauka SpołecznasacrumEuropapolitykaUnia Europejska

Il processo di unificazione degli stati e dei continenti si caratterizza per una crescente tendenza a sottolineare l'esistenza di cosi dette "piccole patrie". Analogicamente, nel contesto di compenetrazione di sacrum e profanum, accanto al processo di laicizzazione che e molto forte specialmente in Europa, si puo notare un risveglio spirituale spesso connesso alle piccole comunita dei credenti. In questo contesto sempre piu attuale diventa la domanda sulla presenza di sacrum che puo proteggere il Vecchio Continente dal materialismo e dal riduzionismo economico o politico.
Nonostante oggigiorno l'impegno per la fede sia notevolmente calato, si deve risvegliare un potenziale enorme dei valori, assopito in tutto il patrimonio europeo. L'Europa dunque, ricercando continuamente verita oggettive, deve diventare una comunita dei valori che da sempre costituiscono fondamento del suo sviluppo. La cultura europea, che da tanti secoli poggia sulla fede cristiana, piu che mai, nel contesto di profanum contemporaneo, ha dunque bisogno di sacrum.

autor: Strumiłowski, J.P.
tytuł: Nieinterwencjonistyczna teoria działania Boga. Analiza, diagnoza i korekta modelu
Teologia w Polsce 12,2 (2018) 249-264          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: naukastworzenieuświęcenieprzebóstwienieekonomia zbawienia

The interaction between theology and science not only stimulates the former to justify its thesis as harmonious with the scientific view of the world, but also motivates it to search new models that would interpret exhaustively its statements in accordance with scientific discoveries and to outline the scope of its further development in the area of coherency between theology and science. The noninterventionist theory of God's action constitutes one of the most interesting model of such an approach.
However, this model being profoundly analysed, despite its large possibility to synthetize the theological view with the scientific one, may cause some doubts. It is so since this model seems to reduce subtly and decompose internally the God's action while searching its coherency with the world's action.
This article attempts to diagnose that potential risk as well as to propose some modifications and enlargements of the model in order to make it more harmonious with traditional views of God's action, but without damage on its innovative capacities.

autor: Szymik, J.
tytuł: Teologia 2.0. Konstytucja dla nauki wiary (kilka uwag)
Teologia w Polsce 12,2 (2018) 105-115          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: wiararozumuniwersytetnaukaprawdapoznanieEuropaponowoczesność

Civilizational, ideological context of postmodern West forces theology to confirm its identity, tasks and place in the scientific and academic world. Among many opinions and positions, particular authority is vested in the International Theological Commission and proposals presented by the last popes - John Paul II and Benedict XVI - for whom an encounter in the space of the Church of the cognitive capabilities of faith resulting from grace with the truth-oriented mind bears the fruit in the form of theology: an effort of searching for and finding God who manifests Himself as the Saviour. Such theology requires courage, since it contests liberal and atheistic concept of the autonomous mind and the corresponding model of technocratic university. Persisting - often in spite of ostracism - at the European university and drawing on from its latest experiences, theology remains a guarantee of its objectivity, a holistic vision of reality, rationality serving good and wisdom.

autor: Wołyniec, W.
tytuł: Nauka o Ojcu i Synu w starożytnych formułach wiary z Sirmium
Teologia w Polsce 11,1 (2017) 51-66          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: chrystologiapaterologiaformuły wiary

The article consists of two parts. The first part constitutes theological analysis of the formulas of faith with regard to the teaching about the Father and the Son. Here, the fatherhood refers not only to the Person of the Father, but also to the entire Triune. The begetting of the Son from the Father remains a secret, but at the same time forms the basis of Divinity of the Son. However, the formulas of faith do not accept the concepts of coessentialness, rejecting the philosophical term ousia. The Son is sent by the Father and He is subjected to the Father. But first of all, He is similar to the Father. The second part of the article constitutes profound, in-depth reflection on the synodal teaching to indicate its topicality. Through the Person and the Redemptive Act of the incarnate Son the fatherhood of God refers, in a new way, to the disciples of the Lord. Submissiveness of the Son is a signpost for every man who should be submissive to the Father like the Son. In turn, the concept of similarity of the Son to the Father can be a way of expression of the Trinitarian Mystery, provided it encompasses Divine equality of the Father and the Son (the identity of Divine nature), yet at the same time determines the distinctness of God's Persons (Their non-identity).

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